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- From gb7chs%gb7chs@gb7pwy Fri Jun 19 19:10:45 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14461 ; Fri, 19 Jun 92 19:06:42 GMT
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA889; Fri, 19 Jun 92 17:37:56 GMT
- Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 19:55 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7chs%gb7chs@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE>G3WCS.103 1 / 2
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7CHS $92024_GB7CHS
- Status: R
- R:920618/2029Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 8307 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920618/2025Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:62849
- R:920618/2019Z @:GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Blackpool #:14052
- R:920618/1955Z @:GB7CHS.#11.GBR.EU Cheshire NTS [FBB 5.14cß] #:92024
- Posted by the CLIVE v 4.01N data base from GB7CHS at 19:55Z on 18-06-1992
- Radio stations on satellite in Europe (11-12 GHz)
- *) is updated April 2, 1992.
- Vision ------------------------------------------------+
- Subcarrier (Mhz) -----------------------------+ !
- PreEmphasis ---------------------------+ ! !
- Polarisation -------------------------+ ! ! !
- Frequency (GHz) ----------------+ ! ! ! !
- Transponder(DBS Channel) -+ ! ! ! ! !
- Language -----------+ ! ! ! ! ! !
- Radio Service-+ ! ! ! ! ! ! !
- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
- Kopernikus, DFS-1; (23.5 E)
- ---------------------------
- Star*Sat Radio D A1 11.475 H P 7.38/7.56 Sat.1
- Radio Luxemburg D C2 11.675 H P 7.02/7.20 RTL-Plus
- Radio Melodie D E2 12.558 H P 7.02/7.20 Pro-7
- Klassik Radio D E3 12.591 V P 7.38/7.56 Premiere
- Bayerischer Rundf. D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 1 -
- SDR/SWF D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 2 -
- Radio Bremen 2 D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 3 -
- Hessischer Rundf. D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 4 -
- NDR 3 D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 5 -
- Star*Sat Radio D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 6 -
- Deutschlandfunk D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 7 -
- WDR 3 D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 8 -
- RIAS Berlin D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 9 -
- Europawelle Saar D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 10 -
- DS KULTUR D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 11 -
- Klassik Radio D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 12 -
- Radio FFN D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 13 -
- Radio-Ropa D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 14 -
- Radio Luxemburg D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 15 -
- Radio Xanadu D E4 12.625 H D DSR Channel 16 -
- Radio-Ropa D E5 12.658 V P 7.02/7.20 West 3
- (supermarket) D E5 12.658 V P 7.38 West ₧
- Radio P.O.S. D E5 12.658 V P 7.56 West 3
- (supermarket) D E5 12.725 V P 7.68 Bayern 3
- (supermarket) D E5 12.725 V P 7.89/8.05 Bayern 3
- EutelSat, I-F5; (21.5 E)
- ------------------------
- Croatia, Zagreb YUG 4 11.50867 H P 7.02 HTV-Zagreb
- Astra, 1A; (19.2 E)
- -------------------
- Deutsche Welle D 2 11.22900 V P 7.38 RTL-Plus
- Deutsche Welle M 2 11.22900 V P 7.56 RTL-Plus
- Deutschlandfunk D 6 11.28800 V P 7.38/7.56 Sat.1
- Deutschlandf.Int. M 6 11.28800 V P 7.74 Sat.1
- Deutschlandf.Int. M 6 11.28800 V P 7.92 Sat.1
- Sky Radio GB 8 11.31750 V P 7.38/7.56 Sky One
- Hit Radio GB 8 11.31750 V P 7.74/7.92 Sky One
- * Swiss Broadc. M 9 11.33225 H P 7.20 Teleclub
- Opus Radio SCH 9 11.33225 H P 7.38/7.56 Teleclub
- Giant storecast FM GB 12 11.37650 V P 7.74 Sky News
- Super Gold GB 12 11.37650 V P 7.92 Sky News
- Radio Luxemburg GB 13 11.39125 H P 7.38/7.56 RTL-4
- RTL-4 Radio NL 13 11.39125 H P 7.74/7.92 RTL-4
- Star*Sat Radio D 14 11.40600 V P 7.38/7.56 Pro-7
- Radio-Ropa D 14 11.40600 V P 7.74/7.92 Pro-7
- Power-FM NL 15 11.42075 H P 7.38/7.56 MTV-Europe
- Quality Europe FM GB 16 11.43550 V P 7.38/7.56 Sky Movies +
- ASDA storecast FM GB 16 11.43550 V P 7.74 Sky Movies +
- Astra, 1B; (19.2 E)
- -------------------
- Sunrise Radio GB 18 11.47900 V P 7.38 The Movie Channel
- Holland-FM NL 18 11.47900 V P 7.56 The Movie Channel
- Sudwestfunk 3 D 19 11.49375 H P 7.38/7.56 Eins Plus
- * Solar Radio GB 20 11.50850 V P 7.38 Sky Sports
- Radio 101.6 FM GB 20 11.50850 V P 7.56 Sky Sports
- Radio Luxemburg D 21 11.52325 H P 7.38/7.56 Tele-5
- * Radio Sweden M 26 11.59700 V P 7.74 The Comedy Channel
- EutelSat, II-F3; (16 E)
- -----------------------
- Onda Cero Radio ES 25 10.97200 V P 7.02 Tele 5
- Onda Cero Musica ES 25 10.97200 V P 7.20 Tele 5
- SER 40 Principales ES 25 10.97200 V P 7.38/7.56 Tele 5
- Radio Minuto ES 25 10.97200 V P 7.74 Tele 5
- Antena 3 ES 26 11.09500 V P 7.02 Antena Tres
- Cadena Cope Infos ES 26 11.09500 V P 7.20 Antena Tres
- Radio Efe ES 26 11.09500 V P 7.38 Antena Tres
- Cadena Cope ES 27 11.17800 V P 7.02/7.20 Canal Plus
- EutelSat, II-F1; (13 E)
- -----------------------
- BBC World Service GB 25 10.98700 V P 7.38 Super Channel
- BBC Foreign Lang. M 25 10.98700 V P 7.56 Super Channel
- Radio Free Europe M 21 11.05500 H P 7.38 Usingen TVCSM
- Radio Svoboda M 21 11.05500 H P 7.56 Usingen TVCSM
- VOA M 26 11.08000 V P 7.00 Worldnet/C-SPAN
- VOA M 26 11.08000 V P 7.30 Worldnet/C-SPAN
- VOA M 26 11.08000 V P 7.50 Worldnet/C-SPAN
- VOA USA 26 11.08000 V P 7.65 Worldnet/C-SPAN
- Deutsche Welle D 27 11.16333 H P 7.02 Usingen TVCSM
- Continued in part 2 >
- From gb7chs%gb7chs@gb7pwy Fri Jun 19 19:14:02 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14462 ; Fri, 19 Jun 92 19:10:53 GMT
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA891; Fri, 19 Jun 92 17:41:22 GMT
- Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 19:55 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7chs%gb7chs@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE>G3WCS.103 2 / 2
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7CHS $92026_GB7CHS
- Status: R
- R:920618/2039Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 8308 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920618/2035Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:62850
- R:920618/2026Z @:GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Blackpool #:14054
- R:920618/1955Z @:GB7CHS.#11.GBR.EU Cheshire NTS [FBB 5.14cß] #:92026
- Posted by the CLIVE v 4.01N data base from GB7CHS at 19:55Z on 18-06-1992
- Continued from part 1 >
- Deutsche Welle M 27 11.16333 H P 7.20 Usingen TVCSM
- VOA-Europe USA 27 11.16333 H P 7.38/7.56 Usingen TVCSM
- VOA M 27 11.16333 H P 7.92 Usingen TVCSM
- Deutche Welle M 27 11.16333 H P 8.10 Usingen TVCSM
- Radio Contact NL 34 11.63833 H D D2-MAC (mono) FilmNet 24
- Consert Radio NL 34 11.67833 H P 6.12/6.84 FilmNet 24
- Radio Contact NL 34 11.67833 H P 7.02 FilmNet 24
- Radio Contact B 34 11.67833 H P 7.74 FilmNet 24
- Radio Teen Gold NL 34 11.67833 H P 7.92/8.10 FilmNet 24
- EutelSat, II-F2; (10 E)
- -----------------------
- Radio 1 ES 22 11.14933 H P 7.38 TVE International
- Radio Exterior ES 22 11.14933 H P 7.56 TVE International
- (supermarket) D 38 11.61666 V P 7.38 Magic Box Star 1
- Radio P.O.S. D 38 11.61666 V P 7.56 Magic Box Star 1
- EutelSat, I-F4; (7 E)
- ---------------------
- Radio Beograd JU 3W 11.17800 H P 7.02 TV Beograd 1
- Tele-X; (5 E)
- -------------
- Radio Sweden M 26 12.20698 L P 7.38 TV-4
- Radio Voice DK 26 12.20698 L P 7.74/7.92 TV-4
- IntelSat, VA-F12; (1 W)
- -----------------------
- Radio Nettverk N 61 11.016 H P 7.38 TV-Norge
- Radio Limelight N 61 11.016 H P 7.56 TV-Norge
- R. Northsea Int. N 61 11.016 H P 7.74 TV-Norge
- TeleCom 1C, (5 W)
- -----------------
- Mousquetaire F R1 12.522 V T 6.40 Metropole 6
- Europe 1 F R1 12.522 V T 6.85/8.20 Metropole 6
- Mousquetaire F R1 12.522 V T 7.25 Metropole 6
- (supermarket) F R1 12.522 V T 7.75 Metropole 6
- Radio Dezibel F R1 12.522 V T 8.65 Metropole 6
- M40 F R2 12.564 V T 6.40/7.25 Antenne 2
- Super Loustic F R2 12.564 V T 6.85 Antenne 2
- Nouvelle Gen./AFP F R2 12.564 V T 7.75/8.65 Antenne 2
- Radio Luxembourg F R3 12.606 V T 6.85/8.20 La 5
- (supermarket) F R4 12.648 V T 6.40 Canal +
- Radio Monte Carlo F R4 12.648 V T 6.85/8.20 Canal +
- (supermarket) F R4 12.648 V T 7.25 Canal +
- Super Loustic F R4 12.648 V T 7.75 Canal +
- Resonances/RockOest F R6 12.732 V T 6.40 Canal J
- Cherie - FM F R6 12.732 V T 6.85 Canal J
- M40 F R6 12.732 V T 7.25/8.20 Canal J
- Rockland F R6 12.732 V T 7.75 Canal J
- Radio Notre Dame F R6 12.732 V T 8.65 Canal J
- TDF-1A, (19 W)
- --------------
- France Inter. F 1 11.72748 R D D2-MAC (mono) MCM
- Hector F 9 11.88092 R D D2-MAC (stereo) La 7
- TV-SAT 2, (19.2 W)
- ------------------
- Bayerischer Rundf. D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 1 -
- SDR/SWF D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 2 -
- Radio Bremen 2 D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 3 -
- Hessischer Rundf. D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 4 -
- NDR 3 D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 5 -
- Star*Sat Radio D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 6 -
- Deutschlandfunk D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 7 -
- WDR 3 D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 8 -
- RIAS Berlin D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 9 -
- Europawelle Saar D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 10 -
- DS KULTUR D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 11 -
- Klassik Radio D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 12 -
- Radio FFN D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 13 -
- Radio-Ropa D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 14 -
- Radio Luxemburg D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 15 -
- Radio Xanadu D 14 11.97682 L D DSR Channel 16 -
- IntelSat, VI-F4; (27.5 W)
- -------------------------
- BBC for Europe (648)M 1E 10.995 V P 7.02 BBC-WS-TV
- BBC World Service GB 1E 10.995 V P 7.20 BBC-WS-TV
- BBC External Sce. M 1E 10.995 V P 7.38 BBC-WS-TV
- BBC World Service GB 1E 10.995 V P 8.10 BBC-WS-TV
- CNN Radio News USA 2E 11.155 V P 6.30 CNN-International
- (horse races) GB 4W 11.175 H P 7.38 Discovery Channel
- SIS Satellite racingF 4W 11.175 H P 7.56 Discovery Channel
- (horse races) F 4W 11.175 H P 7.92 Discovery Channel
- BFBS 3 "London" GB 75 11.561 V P 7.02 SSVC
- BFBS 2 GB 75 11.561 V P 7.20 (scrambled) SSVC
- BBC French ? F 75 11.561 V P 7.38 SSVC
- BBC for Europe (648)M 75 11.561 V P 7.56 SSVC
- System:
- ------------
- D = Digital
- N = None
- P = Panda-1 (Wegener,1600)
- T = Telspace (TeleCom,TransCom)
- *** EOF
- From gb7wrc@gb7pwy Fri Jun 19 19:34:08 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14464 ; Fri, 19 Jun 92 19:32:48 GMT
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA897; Fri, 19 Jun 92 18:00:31 GMT
- Date:Re: 920618/2100Z @:G2 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $62856_GB7WRC
- Status: R
- R:920618/2119Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 8314 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920618/2111Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:62856
- Re: 920618/2100Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
- Message processed by CLIVE on 18-06-1992 (21:11 GMT)
- Hello John
- Welcome to the CLIVE database on GB7WRC in Burnley, Lancs.
- There are currently 27 topics on GB7WRC (No topic selected.)
- Topic Description of contents.
- ----- ------------------------
- ALINCO Modifications etc for ALINCO tranceivers.
- ATARI Files relating to the ATARI computer.
- BBC Files relating to the BBC Micro computer.
- BBCTIPS BBC Micro hints and tips from G4BLT.
- BBSINFO Information files on BBS's (Bulletin Boards)
- COMM64 Files relating to the Commodore C64 (some C128)
- DRDOS Information files on DR DOS (mainly version 6)
- GENERAL General Amateur radio related files.
- HDDINFO Information/data on various hard disk drives.
- IBMPC IBM PC (and compatible) computer related files.
- ICOM Modifications etc for ICOM transceivers.
- KENWOOD Modifications etc for KENWOOD transceivers.
- MISCMODS Miscellaneous modification files.
- MISCOMPS Miscellaneous computer files.
- MOBILES Hints/tips on Radio Amateur mobile installations
- NODEINFO Packet radio NODE information files.
- NWPUG North West Packet User Group related files.
- PACKET Various packet radio related files.
- PMR Modifications etc for ex-PMR tranceivers.
- PSION Psion computer related files.
- RECEIVER Mods/hints/tips on various receivers and scanners
- STANDARD Modifications etc for STANDARD transceivers.
- TCPIP TCP/IP related files.
- TNCS Modifications/hints/tips/help for various TNC's.
- VIRII Information and Data on various VIRII.
- YAESU Modifications etc for YAESU transceivers.
- AMSAT AMSAT (Amateur Satellites) related files.
- Thank you for using the database,
- I hope you find the reply useful.
- 73 de Mick..G7DMS, SysOp @ GB7WRC
- From clive%g1yyh@gb7pwy Fri Jun 19 19:39:03 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14466 ; Fri, 19 Jun 92 19:37:06 GMT
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA901; Fri, 19 Jun 92 18:11:33 GMT
- Date:Re: 920618/2356z @:G6 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: clive%g1yyh@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < CLIVE $88951_GB7ULV
- Status: R
- R:920619/0734Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 8380 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920619/0222Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:62909
- R:920619/0212Z @:GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Blackpool #:14139
- R:920619/0206Z @:GB7ULV.#14.GBR.EU Ulverston #:88951
- Re: 920618/2356z @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
- Message processed by CLIVE v 4.0N at 03:05 GMT on 19-06-1992
- Hello
- Welcome to the CLIVE v 4.0N data base on GB7ULV in Ulverston Cumbria.
- There are currently 6 topics on GB7ULV (No topic selected.)
- Topic Description of contents.
- ----- ------------------------
- MODS Mods to CB's, amateur, and PMR equipment for amateur use
- HUMOUR Various bits of humour collected from the packet network
- FOOD Collection of recipes from the network
- BBS's Bulletin boards & mailboxes on amateur radio lots of info
- STARTREK For the Star Trek fans old and young
- FLIGHT Flight Simulator files and associated topics
- NWPUG Files relating to the North West Packet User Group.
- RECIPES Recipes and advice about food and drink.
- TVSAT TV and Radio Satellite broadcasting. (Incl freqs & equipt mods).
- DRDOS Help and Info files relating to DRDOS (Mainly Ver 6).
- RALLIES Information about Rallies. Compiled by Tony, G6CZV.
- FBB Information concerning F6FBB BBS software. Docs and files.
- HUMOUR Various bits of humour collected from the packet network
- NWPUG Information on North-West Packet Users Group
- TECH Technical topics and discussion documents
- BBS Bulletin boards & mailbox's on amateur radio.
- PACKET Packet related files excluding BBS.
- MODS Mods to PMR, amateur, and CB equipment for amateur use.
- GENERAL General interest. Mainly for VHF users.
- VIRUSES Description & cure of some common computer viruses.
- PRINTED Writing, poems, short stories, non-ham technical articles.
- COMPUTER General information and articles. (Other than programs)
- REQFIL 1000's of files available from UK BBS's via reqfil protocol.
- SPACE Ariane, Galileo, Giotto, Mir, Voyager, Atlantis, etc.
- ACORN Acorn computers. BBC, Master, Archimedes etc.
- CLUBS Clubs, societies, user groups, special interest groups etc.
- SYSOPS SYSOP conference proposals, agenda, decisions, & minutes.
- ATV An introduction to Amateur Television.
- LIFE Personal views of life, the universe, and many other things.
- MOBILE Using and installing trancieving equipment in vehicles.
- LISTS IBM PD software lists. (25,000 entries) Use the SCAN command.
- MISCSOFT AMIGA (so far) software. Art,music,games,utils,FISH disks.
- BROADCAST Informations on BBC broadcasts & Transmitters.
- ICOM Modifications exclusively for ICOM equipment.
- YAESU Modifications exclusively for YAESU equipment.
- CLIVE Documentation for the CLIVE database. Some restricted access.
- SONGS Words for many popular songs. Restricted access due to copywrite.
- JOBCLUB General information to help with seeking employment.
- STOLEN Stolen amateur radio and related equipment.
- FISHING Interesting files on the sport of Angling in the USA.
- ANIMALS Everything you ever wanted to know about animals.
- HUMOUR Articles from Keighley ARS news letter and other sources.
- SOFTWARE Programs amateur related. (SENT AS ASCII FILES)
- YAXPAK News, views, previews, and reviews of packet radio in Yorkshire.
- Thank you for using the data base
- I hope you find the reply useful.
- End of work for G1YYH @ G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
- 73, Bob, G4BDE @ GB7ULV
- From gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy Tue Jun 23 09:06:01 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14699 ; Tue, 23 Jun 92 09:05:11 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA989; Tue, 23 Jun 92 08:05:21 GMT
- Date:Re: 920622/2221 @:G2 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $63722_GB7WRC
- Status: R
- R:920623/0731Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9101 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920622/2242Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:63722
- Re: 920622/2221 @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
- Message processed by CLIVE on 22-06-1992 (22:42 GMT)
- Hello John
- Welcome to the CLIVE database on GB7WRC in Burnley, Lancs.
- There are currently 27 topics on GB7WRC (No topic selected.)
- Topic Description of contents.
- ----- ------------------------
- ALINCO Modifications etc for ALINCO tranceivers.
- ATARI Files relating to the ATARI computer.
- BBC Files relating to the BBC Micro computer.
- BBCTIPS BBC Micro hints and tips from G4BLT.
- BBSINFO Information files on BBS's (Bulletin Boards)
- COMM64 Files relating to the Commodore C64 (some C128)
- DRDOS Information files on DR DOS (mainly version 6)
- GENERAL General Amateur radio related files.
- HDDINFO Information/data on various hard disk drives.
- IBMPC IBM PC (and compatible) computer related files.
- ICOM Modifications etc for ICOM transceivers.
- KENWOOD Modifications etc for KENWOOD transceivers.
- MISCMODS Miscellaneous modification files.
- MISCOMPS Miscellaneous computer files.
- MOBILES Hints/tips on Radio Amateur mobile installations
- NODEINFO Packet radio NODE information files.
- NWPUG North West Packet User Group related files.
- PACKET Various packet radio related files.
- PMR Modifications etc for ex-PMR tranceivers.
- PSION Psion computer related files.
- RECEIVER Mods/hints/tips on various receivers and scanners
- STANDARD Modifications etc for STANDARD transceivers.
- TCPIP TCP/IP related files.
- TNCS Modifications/hints/tips/help for various TNC's.
- VIRII Information and Data on various VIRII.
- YAESU Modifications etc for YAESU transceivers.
- AMSAT AMSAT (Amateur Satellites) related files.
- Thank you for using the database,
- I hope you find the reply useful.
- 73 de Mick..G7DMS, SysOp @ GB7WRC
- From clive%g1yyh@gb7pwy Tue Jun 23 11:17:23 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14700 ; Tue, 23 Jun 92 11:14:56 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA991; Tue, 23 Jun 92 10:09:45 GMT
- Date:Re: 920623/0819 @:G2 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: clive%g1yyh@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < CLIVE $94421_GB7CHS
- Status: R
- R:920623/0929Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9110 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920623/0925Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:63798
- R:920623/0918Z @:GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Blackpool #:15571
- R:920623/0917Z @:GB7CHS.#11.GBR.EU [Cheshire NTS] FBB 5.14cß #:94421
- Re: 920623/0819 @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
- Processed at 09:16 GMT on 23-06-1992
- Hi John,
- Welcome to the CLIVE data base on GB7CHS.
- If you have any difficulty please send a message to :-
- Ken G3WCS @ GB7CHS.
- There is also a telephone modem port on GB7CHS using speeds up to
- 2400/2400 baud, V22bis. If you would like access, please drop me
- a message.
- Matching topic found. 64 files installed relating to...
- NWPUG Files relating to the North West Packet User Group.
- No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
- 1 19/11/91 6680 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 13th Nov 1991
- 2 19/11/91 6759 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 24th Sep 1991
- 3 19/11/91 19554 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 9th Sep 1991
- 4 19/11/91 5849 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 29th Oct 1991
- 5 19/11/91 3575 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 14th Oct 1991
- 6 19/11/91 8751 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 20th May 1991
- 7 19/11/91 9124 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 19th Mar 1991
- 8 19/11/91 9879 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 11th Mar 1991
- 9 19/11/91 18565 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 1st Jul 1991
- 10 19/11/91 6495 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 22nd Jan 1991
- 11 19/11/91 5400 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 17th Jan 1991
- 12 19/11/91 8457 D Minutes of Fourth NWPUG AGM on 24th Feb 1991
- 13 20/11/91 6210 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 19th Feb 1991
- 14 20/11/91 16102 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 20th Aug 1991
- 15 20/11/91 6818 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 31st Apr 1991
- 16 20/11/91 8433 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 9th Apr 1991
- 17 20/11/91 5272 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 23rd Oct 1990
- 18 20/11/91 10028 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 2nd Oct 1990
- 19 20/11/91 7861 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 20th Nov 1990
- 20 20/11/91 9512 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee meeting on 8th Nov 1990
- 21 20/11/91 6007 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 3rd May 1990
- 22 20/11/91 6440 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 1st Mar 1990
- 23 20/11/91 5052 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 31st Jul 1990
- 24 20/11/91 10390 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 12th Jul 1990
- 25 20/11/91 6847 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 2nd Jul 1990
- 26 20/11/91 4150 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee meeting on 9th Jan 1990
- 27 20/11/91 3573 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 13th Feb 1990
- 28 20/11/91 5368 D Minutes of Third NWPUG AGM on 18th Feb 1990
- 29 20/11/91 5891 D Minutes of NWPUG Planning Meeting on 18th Dec 1990
- 30 20/11/91 8385 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 12th Dec 1990
- 31 20/11/91 8309 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 30th Aug 1990
- 32 20/11/91 10286 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 5th Apr 1990
- 33 20/11/91 4395 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 5th Sep 1989
- 34 20/11/91 2648 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 10th Oct 1989
- 35 20/11/91 3891 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 14th Nov 1989
- 36 20/11/91 3333 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 30th May 1989
- 37 20/11/91 2880 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 18th Jul 1989
- 38 20/11/91 3159 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 9th Feb 1989
- 39 20/11/91 2288 D Minutes of Second NWPUG AGM on 21st Feb 1989
- 40 20/11/91 6230 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 19th Apr 1989
- 41 20/11/91 3900 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 29th Sep 1988
- 42 20/11/91 3636 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 1st Sep 1988
- 43 20/11/91 2290 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee meeting on 9th Nov 1988
- 44 20/11/91 3429 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 12th Jul 1988
- 45 20/11/91 3467 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 14th Dec 1988
- 46 20/11/91 3718 D Minutes of meeting by Node Sysops on 7th Jan 1991
- 47 20/11/91 3233 D Statement of NWPUG accounts for 1990/1
- 48 20/11/91 2244 D Application form to join NWPUG
- 49 20/11/91 663 D List of NWPUG Committee Members for year 1991/2
- 50 20/11/91 3874 D Map showing routes to Grappenhall Community Centre
- 51 20/11/91 2161 D Route to Grappenhall Community Centre (Text only)
- 52 20/11/91 5186 D Report of meeting with Sysops from northern area (11/5/91)
- 53 20/11/91 4143 D Report on meeting (05/06/91) Pennine & Cluster links
- 54 20/11/91 4735 D Packet Radio Bandplan & Site Clrnce requirements
- 55 07/01/92 13263 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 16th Dec 1991
- 56 03/02/92 22830 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 13th Jan 1992
- 57 23/02/92 14160 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 21st Feb 1992
- 58 24/02/92 657 D List of NWPUG Committee Members for year 1992/3
- 59 24/02/92 3035 D Statement of NWPUG accounts for year 1991
- 60 20/05/92 2925 D Latest list of NWPUG members - by G1GSJ
- 61 03/05/92 8068 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 29th Apr 1992
- 62 05/05/92 9938 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 17th March 1992
- 63 06/05/92 16055 D Minutes of Fifth NWPUG AGM on 23rd Feb 1992
- 64 04/06/92 8959 D Minutes of NWPUG Committee Meeting on 26th May 1992
- Thank you for using the data base John
- I hope you find the reply useful.
- End of work for G1YYH @ G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
- 73, Ken, G3WCS @ GB7CHS
- From gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 00:25:33 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14889 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 00:14:54 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1078; Fri, 26 Jun 92 22:31:36 GMT
- Date:Re: 920626/2038 @:G6 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report 1 / 4
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64674_GB7WRC
- R:920626/2010Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9816 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920626/2001Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64674
- Re: 920626/2038 @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
- Message processed by CLIVE on 26-06-1992 (20:00 GMT)
- Hello John
- Welcome to the CLIVE database on GB7WRC in Burnley, Lancs.
- Matching topic found. 11 files installed relating to...
- ALINCO Modifications etc for ALINCO tranceivers.
- No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
- 1 18/02/92 882 D Alinco ALD-24T frequency expansion mod.
- 2 18/02/92 882 D Alinco ALR-22T frequency expansion mod.
- 3 18/02/92 2484 D Alinco DJ-160 mods.
- 4 18/02/92 1982 D Extended RX for Alinco DJ500E handie.
- 5 18/02/92 2000 D Alinco DJ-560T frequency expansion.
- 6 18/02/92 977 D Extending coverage on the Alinco DR110E.
- 7 18/02/92 538 D Frequency expansion on the Alinco DR570E.
- 8 18/02/92 2604 D Replacing the Alinco ALR-22 display lamp.
- 9 30/03/92 3182 D TX/RX expansion mod for the DJ120E.
- 10 22/04/92 1395 D Frequency expansion mod for the DJ560 and DJ580E.
- 11 07/05/92 1344 D Frequency expansion mod for the DJ-F1T.
- Matching topic found. 72 files installed relating to...
- ICOM Modifications etc for ICOM transceivers.
- No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
- 1 18/02/92 2751 D Icom IC-02AT frequency expansion mod.
- 2 18/02/92 476 D Improving the Icom IC-02 and IC-04 audio.
- 3 18/02/92 3221 D Icom IC02, IC03, IC04 series matrix information.
- 4 18/02/92 1004 D Icom IC-04 frequency expansion.
- 5 18/02/92 821 D Extending the RX coverage on the Icom IC2SE and IC4SE.
- 6 18/02/92 5017 D Modifications for Icom IC211.
- 7 18/02/92 3402 D Modifications for the Icom IC211E
- 8 18/02/92 7916 D A review on the Icom IC228H.
- 9 18/02/92 3038 D IC24ET/AT keyboard functions.
- 10 18/02/92 529 D Icom IC24 wide band coverage mod.
- 11 18/02/92 1437 D Extended RX coverage on the Icom IC2400E.
- 12 18/02/92 14433 D Icom IC24AT additional features (miscellany).
- 13 18/02/92 1596 D Undocumented features of the IC-24AT - (from ICOM).
- 14 18/02/92 1547 D Expanded Icom IC24 performance measurements.
- 15 18/02/92 2274 D Modification for the Icom IC251E.
- 16 18/02/92 3548 D Icom IC251E variable FM/SSB/CW power mod.
- 17 18/02/92 888 D Modifications to Icom IC-255E for packet radio.
- 18 18/02/92 1333 D Icom IC255 (and others) nasty fault.
- 19 18/02/92 463 D Icom IC25E modifications.
- 20 18/02/92 651 D Modifications for the Icom IC260E.
- 21 18/02/92 1154 D Taming the Icom IC28 squelch.
- 22 18/02/92 352 D Icom IC28 frequency expansion.
- 23 18/02/92 774 D Icom IC290E modifications.
- 24 18/02/92 1933 D Possible problems on the Icom IC2E/ICH2.
- 25 18/02/92 849 D A mega-battery for the Icom IC2E.
- 26 18/02/92 1028 D Extended frequency modifications on the Icom IC2E.
- 27 18/02/92 3843 D 3 files on Using the Icom IC2E for packet radio.
- 28 18/02/92 242 D Mods for wide frequency coverage on the Icom IC2SA.
- 29 18/02/92 236 D Wide band coverage on the Icom IC2SAT.
- 30 18/02/92 3620 D 2 files on extended functions for the Icom IC2SE.
- 31 18/02/92 2147 D Mods on RX coverage of the IC3220E, IC3220A or IC3220H.
- 32 18/02/92 2897 D Putting the Icom IC32E into repeater mode.
- 33 18/02/92 4759 D Icom IC32E extended frequency range mods.
- 34 18/02/92 839 D Mod for improving the Icom IC-402 S-meter.
- 35 18/02/92 1669 D Low noise front end mod for the Icom IC-451.
- 36 18/02/92 989 D Icom IC4SE performance figures.
- 37 18/02/92 552 D Icom IC4SE frequency expansion mods.
- 38 18/02/92 1240 D Icom R7000 frequency alignment.
- 39 18/02/92 1092 D Icom IC720A faults - some solutions.
- 40 18/02/92 9356 D Remote control for the Icom IC735.
- 41 18/02/92 483 D Mods for general coverage TX on the Icom IC745
- 42 18/02/92 1999 D Battery backup for the Icom IC745, IC745A, IC751.
- 43 18/02/92 3179 D 9MHz IF stabilisation on the Icom IC-751 ONLY.
- 44 18/02/92 1104 D General coverage TX Mods for the Icom IC-751A.
- 45 18/02/92 2290 D Icom IC761 mods for operating voltage and full TX coverage
- 46 18/02/92 1910 D Mods for frequency extension on the Icom IC900.
- 47 18/02/92 588 D Icom IC-901 crossband repeater operation.
- 48 18/02/92 1162 D Frequency expansion mod for the Icom Micro2.
- 49 18/02/92 1518 D Info on the Icom IC505 50MHz multimode portable batteries
- 50 18/02/92 922 D Info on interfacing Icom portables to TNC's.
- 51 18/02/92 22886 D Documentation on the Icom CI-V computer interface.
- 52 18/02/92 872 D Making the VOX of a IC271, IC471, IC1271 usable for FM.
- 53 18/02/92 583 D Cold-starting the Icom IC-04AT.
- 54 18/02/92 1637 D Icom IC-24AT undocumented features.
- 55 18/02/92 1695 D Added functions for the Icom IC-24ET.
- 56 18/02/92 6970 D 4 modification files for the Icom IC-3200A.
- 57 18/02/92 783 D Icom IC-3210 PA module change.
- 58 18/02/92 807 D Curing noises on the IC-32AT when in power-save mode.
- 59 18/02/92 629 D Icom IC-32AT crossband repeater function.
- 60 18/02/92 530 D Mod for general coverage TX on the Icom IC-735.
- 61 18/02/92 409 D Icom IC-W2 as a crossband repeater.
- Continued in part 2 >
- From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 01:26:09 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14890 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 01:23:34 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1080; Fri, 26 Jun 92 23:04:27 GMT
- Date: Fri, 26 Jun 92 20:01 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report 2 / 4
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64676_GB7WRC
- R:920626/2011Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9817 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920626/2001Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64676
- Continued from part 1 >
- 62 18/02/92 4537 D Icom IC-W2A crossband repeat and extended TX mods.
- 63 18/02/92 555 D Extended coverage on the Icom IC-W2E.
- 64 18/02/92 1298 D Icom's battery backed RAM.
- 65 04/03/92 2381 D Some cures for various faults on the IC240.
- 66 09/03/92 3892 D Connecting the IC-3220 to the G3RUH 9600 baud modem.
- 67 22/04/92 2864 D Lubricating an IC735's noisey fan.
- 68 11/05/92 2103 D IC-2410 dual-bander (remote codes and other functions).
- 69 11/06/92 1781 D AMTOR mods for the IC720A.
- 70 22/06/92 422 D Cross band repeating with the IC-W2E
- 71 26/06/92 4226 D Another IC-251E variable FM/SSB/CW TX power mod.
- 72 26/06/92 3716 D IC751 - Antenna switching problems.
- Matching topic found. 78 files installed relating to...
- KENWOOD Modifications etc for KENWOOD transceivers.
- No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
- 1 18/02/92 720 D Extended coverage mod for the Kenwood TH215E handheld.
- 2 18/02/92 484 D Kenwood TH21E to TNC connections.
- 3 18/02/92 1572 D Frequency extension mod for the Kenwood TH-215A handheld.
- 4 18/02/92 2461 D How to Defeat the auto power OFF function on the TH25/45AT
- 5 18/02/92 11630 D Kenwood TH-25/45AT modifications.
- 6 18/02/92 663 D Frequency coverage extension mod for the Kenwood TH75E.
- 7 18/02/92 1002 D Mod for improving the Kenwood TH75E tonburst convenience.
- 8 18/02/92 1466 D Kenwood TH75 receive hangup cure.
- 9 18/02/92 1060 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TH-25AT.
- 10 18/02/92 755 D Expanded receive mod for the Kenwood TH26.
- 11 18/02/92 818 D Expanded transceive mod for the Kenwood TH-26A.
- 12 18/02/92 3910 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TH-27A.
- 13 18/02/92 429 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TH-315.
- 14 18/02/92 4852 D Kenwood TH-77A PLL unlock override mod.
- 15 18/02/92 13816 D Miscellany mods for the TH-77A.
- 16 18/02/92 3356 D TM-221A frequency expansion mod.
- 17 18/02/92 1232 D TM-241 and TM-441E frequency expansion mod.
- 18 18/02/92 1478 D Modifying the TM-531E for 9600 baud.
- 19 18/02/92 965 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TM-702E.
- 20 18/02/92 1135 D 900MHz band reception with the 430MHz unit on the TM741A/E
- 21 18/02/92 410 D "AM" reception with the TM741A/E 28 and 50MHz unit.
- 22 18/02/92 2040 D Frequency extension mod for the Kenwood TM-741A/E.
- 23 18/02/92 1105 D Frequency exp[ansion mod for the Kenwood TM-441E.
- 24 18/02/92 2543 D Modifying the TR2300 for QRO.
- 25 18/02/92 781 D Modifying the TR-2600 for packet radio.
- 26 18/02/92 800 D Mod for changing the SSB/CW step size on the TR751E-A.
- 27 18/02/92 2368 D Trio TR8400 memory backup.
- 28 18/02/92 534 D TR9000 SSB low power mod.
- 29 18/02/92 8234 D TS120S service sheet notes.
- 30 18/02/92 395 D TS-140 broadband transmit mod.
- 31 18/02/92 1061 D Mod for TS-140S with an intermittent loss of TX power.
- 32 18/02/92 9679 D TS180S service sheet notes.
- 33 18/02/92 672 D TS430S mod for variable power on all modes inc "FM".
- 34 18/02/92 372 D TS430S Receive mod - 0 to 150KHz.
- 35 18/02/92 809 D Modifying the TS430S for AMTOR/PACKET.
- 36 18/02/92 1806 D TS430S Amtor modifications.
- 37 18/02/92 783 D Enabling TS430S transmit for MARS and CAP frequencies.
- 38 18/02/92 1293 D Mod for changing FM to 10KHz on the TS430S.
- 39 18/02/92 4148 D TS430S service sheet mods.
- 40 18/02/92 1625 D Frequency expansion mod for the Kenwood TS440.
- 41 18/02/92 2511 D Info for connecting TS440S to TNC using ACC2 13 pin jack
- 42 18/02/92 1046 D TS440S mod to use antenna tuner for TX and RX.
- 43 18/02/92 5797 D The Kenwood TS440 RS232 command set.
- 44 18/02/92 1641 D Mod for protecting transistor Q33 on the IF unit (TS440S)
- 45 18/02/92 6028 D Service notes for the TS520 and mods for the TS520S.
- 46 18/02/92 1456 D TS530S service sheet mods.
- 47 18/02/92 395 D Frequency expansion mod for the TS-680.
- 48 18/02/92 4498 D TS700A service notes.
- 49 18/02/92 1063 D Mod for crossband repeating on the TS721.
- 50 18/02/92 3951 D Mod for crossband repeating on the TS790A.
- 51 18/02/92 1287 D Kenwood TS-790 - Mod for improving talk power in SSB mode
- 52 18/02/92 832 D Mod for changing the TS811E repeater offset.
- 53 18/02/92 544 D TS830S modifications.
- 54 18/02/92 2366 D TS830S service sheet notes.
- 55 18/02/92 1692 D Kenwood TS850 modifications.
- 56 18/02/92 1378 D TS9130 - Mod for SSB variable power.
- 57 18/02/92 6251 D TS-930 transceiver mods.
- 58 18/02/92 5172 D TS-930S Miscellany mods.
- 59 18/02/92 900 D TX mod for the TS-930 (WARC bands).
- 60 18/02/92 849 D Frequency expansion mod for the TS940.
- 61 18/02/92 1517 D Curing Brain Ache in a TS940S.
- 62 18/02/92 1385 D Mod for unlocking the PLL on a TS-940S.
- 63 18/02/92 7550 D Miscellany TS-940S mods.
- 64 20/02/92 1323 D Kenwood TH-27A 'AM' mode info.
- 65 20/03/92 1749 D TH-26E Frequency expansion mod.
- 66 23/03/92 4220 D How to adapt the TS790A for 9600 baud packet.
- 67 02/05/92 1320 D Mod for controlling the TS440's TX power on SSB.
- Continued in part 3 >
- From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 02:05:58 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14891 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 02:02:50 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1082; Sat, 27 Jun 92 00:14:05 GMT
- Date: Fri, 26 Jun 92 20:01 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report 3 / 4
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64677_GB7WRC
- R:920626/2011Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9818 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920626/2001Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64677
- Continued from part 2 >
- 68 05/05/92 953 D Extended receive mod for the TM-732a.
- 69 08/05/92 2110 D All Band Mods for the TM-732a.
- 70 08/05/92 1045 D TM732 - Undocumented Kenwood Features.
- 71 08/05/92 2282 D TM741 - Undocumented Kenwood Features/Games.
- 72 08/05/92 1252 D TM741 - More undocumented Kenwood Features.
- 73 29/05/92 756 D RX/TX expansion mods for the TH-78E.
- 74 16/06/92 2410 D POWER ON functions for the TS-850S.
- 75 22/06/92 553 D Mods for using the TM-531 with a G3RUH 9K6 baud modem.
- 76 22/06/92 507 D Solution to "low audio" with TS450 and the PK232 tnc.
- 77 26/06/92 3620 D Another mod for the TM-531E and 9600 baud packet.
- 78 26/06/92 249 D General coverage TX mod for the TS850S.
- Matching topic found. 71 files installed relating to...
- YAESU Modifications etc for YAESU transceivers.
- No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
- 1 19/02/92 1016 D Mod for the FT-101xx MK3 clarifier.
- 2 19/02/92 556 D Mod for FT101B CW stability.
- 3 19/02/92 3947 D Help notes on the FT101Z and ZD.
- 4 19/02/92 1859 D Various mods for the FT101ZD.
- 5 19/02/92 3280 D Help notes for the FT102.
- 6 19/02/92 1319 D Mods for the FT102.
- 7 19/02/92 2489 D Help notes for the FT107 and FTV107.
- 8 19/02/92 972 D Help on FT207R faults.
- 9 19/02/92 1644 D Help on FT208R Faults.
- 10 19/02/92 1085 D Activate the 10MHz segment between 130 and 160MHz (FT209R)
- 11 19/02/92 1221 D Frequency expansion mod for the Yaesu FT212RH.
- 12 19/02/92 1945 D 3 mod files for improving the FT-221 keying (CW).
- 13 19/02/92 1798 D Help on FT-225RD faults.
- 14 19/02/92 1611 D Help on FT227R faults.
- 15 19/02/92 590 D Frequency expansion mod for the FT227R.
- 16 19/02/92 1469 D Help on FT230R faults.
- 17 19/02/92 6717 D 4 different files covering frequency expansion on FT23R.
- 18 19/02/92 4337 D Frequency expansion for the FT23R and FT211R/H.
- 19 19/02/92 935 D FT23R (and others) to TNC.
- 20 19/02/92 2750 D Frequency expansion mod for the FT-2700.
- 21 19/02/92 1486 D Mod for silencing the FT290 speaker while on packet.
- 22 19/02/92 1492 D Mod for 10MHz coverage on the FT290 MkII (140 to 150MHz).
- 23 19/02/92 2685 D Common faults found on the FT290R.
- 24 19/02/92 4799 D Mods for the Yaesu FT290R.
- 25 19/02/92 728 D Frequency expansion for the FT290 MkII.
- 26 19/02/92 4281 D Modification to the FT290 MkII AF amplifier for packet use
- 27 19/02/92 2855 D FT290R (first version) extensions.
- 28 19/02/92 1411 D Solid state relay for FT290 Mk1.
- 29 19/02/92 2164 D 2 files on extending the frequency coverage of the FT-411.
- 30 19/02/92 1761 D Frequency expansion mods for the Yaesu FT470 and FT728.
- 31 19/02/92 1043 D Yaesu FT-470 crossband repeater function.
- 32 19/02/92 1191 D Frequency expansion mod for the Yaesu FT-4700.
- 33 19/02/92 1228 D A list resistor combinations for FT470 extended coverage.
- 34 19/02/92 2724 D Mod for increasing RX coverage of UK spec FT470's.
- 35 19/02/92 1693 D Help on FT480 faults.
- 36 19/02/92 1516 D Modifying the FT480R for BPSK and 9600 FSK.
- 37 19/02/92 2009 D Yaesu FT480R varactor drive mod for 9600FSK and 1200PSK.
- 38 19/02/92 1866 D Frequency expansion mod for the FT690R.
- 39 19/02/92 1141 D FT-726 transmitter keying mod.
- 40 19/02/92 1233 D Help with faults on the Yaesu FT726.
- 41 19/02/92 1379 D Mod for improving the FT-726's RX.
- 42 19/02/92 387 D Auto-doppler mod for the FT726R.
- 43 19/02/92 3039 D FT726R Duplex (satellite) operation mod.
- 44 19/02/92 1339 D Yaesu FT726D six metres mod.
- 45 19/02/92 1459 D FT727R Reset options.
- 46 19/02/92 3202 D Info on the FT-727R CAT system interfacing and control.
- 47 19/02/92 811 D Mod for using a Yaesu headset on the FT727 without VOX.
- 48 19/02/92 1848 D 2 Frequency expansion mods for the FT727R.
- 49 19/02/92 1325 D Mod for quietening those FT736 scanning clicks.
- 50 19/02/92 2731 D FT736R satellite working mod.
- 51 19/02/92 3540 D Mod for the FT736 and 9600 baud operation.
- 52 19/02/92 3385 D Another FT736R satellite mod.
- 53 19/02/92 981 D Mod for automatic repeater shift on the FT736R C2 model.
- 54 19/02/92 1359 D 2 files on frequency expansion of the FT-73R.
- 55 19/02/92 1201 D Frequency expansion mod (RX and TX) for the FT-747.
- 56 19/02/92 1257 D Mod for interfacing FT747GX to a MMT 50/28 transverter.
- 57 19/02/92 2159 D Help with faults on the FT757GX and FP757GX.
- 58 19/02/92 4787 D 2 modification files on narrow filtering for the FT757.
- 59 19/02/92 1010 D FT-767GX audio tip for packet operation.
- 60 19/02/92 1653 D Help for FT77 faults.
- 61 19/02/92 1235 D Audio output - FT790R recvr's discriminator for 9k6 bauds.
- 62 19/02/92 2449 D Help for FT902DM - FC902 - FTV902 faults.
- 63 19/02/92 1496 D Help with faults on the Yaesu FT980.
- 64 19/02/92 4377 D Mods for the Yaesu FT-23R, FT-73R and FT-211R/H.
- 65 19/02/92 1966 D Help on Yaesu FT ONE faults.
- 66 19/02/92 1041 D Mod for improving the AGC on Yaesu series transceivers.
- 67 19/02/92 1367 D Plagiarising Yaesu FM modules.
- Continued in part 4 >
- From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 02:08:27 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14892 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 02:06:17 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1084; Sat, 27 Jun 92 00:45:10 GMT
- Date: Fri, 26 Jun 92 20:01 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report 4 / 4
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64678_GB7WRC
- R:920626/2012Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9819 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920626/2001Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64678
- Continued from part 3 >
- 68 19/02/92 2655 D Yaesu - RX problem trace and cure (various rigs).
- 69 20/02/92 489 D FT-736 memory frequency - storing and tuning away with VFO
- 70 22/04/92 1201 D FT290R MK1 - mod for 1kc and 100hz steps on FM.
- 71 16/06/92 2115 D UHF RX mod for the FT470.
- Matching topic found. 59 files installed relating to...
- MISCMODS Miscellaneous modification files.
- No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
- 1 18/02/92 7760 D Mod for running 3 floppy drives in an AT-COMPATIBLE comp.
- 2 18/02/92 2228 D HF Digicom modem notes.
- 3 18/02/92 4116 D Info on the World Chip AM7910 (Digicom).
- 4 18/02/92 3981 D How to connect an hard disc drive to the Amstrad PPC.
- 5 18/02/92 1670 D Amstrad PPC512 ram expansion mod.
- 6 18/02/92 831 D Mods for the Simple Spectrum Analyser (Radcom 11/89).
- 7 18/02/92 3764 D Atari ST MIDI interface as a general purpose serial port.
- 8 18/02/92 2149 D Auto UO-14 Rx frequency tracking for the TS790 and FT736.
- 9 18/02/92 3058 D 2 Battery tip files.
- 10 18/02/92 872 D Possible 'handy hint' for relatively cheap fist-mike.
- 11 18/02/92 2367 D Mod for converting the Icom-1050/JWR M2 to 10M.
- 12 18/02/92 1139 D How to find breaks in coax cable.
- 13 18/02/92 4467 D Schematic and notes for building a Coax cable tester.
- 14 18/02/92 703 D How to make a Commodore TTL lead.
- 15 18/02/92 827 D Digicom modem settings for AMD7910/11 modem chips.
- 16 18/02/92 1207 D DIY Slim-Jim for UHF.
- 17 18/02/92 753 D Packet Mod for FDK Multi-700 roll off/on audio tones.
- 18 18/02/92 1332 D Mod for tuning the FDK-700E to packet frequencies.
- 19 18/02/92 1986 D Elektor Filmnet decoder fix and mods.
- 20 18/02/92 1532 D Help notes on the FL2100B/FL2100Z.
- 21 18/02/92 756 D FLDX100 stability improvement.
- 22 18/02/92 4991 D FO-20 PSK modem improvement for Microsat use.
- 23 18/02/92 1069 D A bit error rate indicator for the G3RUH modem.
- 24 18/02/92 3584 D How to change the hard disc interleave on an Amstrad.
- 25 18/02/92 3034 D A cct for building a simple HF packet tuning indicator.
- 26 18/02/92 3782 D A cct for Shortwave tuning indicator including DCD.
- 27 18/02/92 1915 D HR2510 RIT-control mods.
- 28 18/02/92 2522 D KDK FN240 PTT tip.
- 29 18/02/92 2583 D MEON transverter info.
- 30 18/02/92 2323 D Interfacing the PW Meon transverter to a 2M linear.
- 31 18/02/92 5529 D MS400 shared interrupt modification.
- 32 18/02/92 622 D MULTIKISS tip to prevent some serial card malfunctioning.
- 33 18/02/92 2957 D A suitable circuit for charging nicads.
- 34 18/02/92 3813 D Tip for revitalising Ni-cads.
- 35 18/02/92 472 D Frequency expansion mod for the Ten-Tec Paragon.
- 36 18/02/92 612 D Curing Parasitic oscillation on the G3RUH 9K6 modem.
- 37 18/02/92 868 D PC120 TNC card modifications.
- 38 18/02/92 741 D Frequency expansion mod for the Azden PCS6000.
- 39 18/02/92 686 D PC 9 to 25 pin adaptor connections.
- 40 18/02/92 313 D VGA 15-way 'D' connector pinouts.
- 41 18/02/92 1330 D Tips on reducing computer RFI.
- 42 18/02/92 2202 D PC CGA interfacing to BBC RGB monitor.
- 43 18/02/92 11431 D RS232/V24 tips.
- 44 18/02/92 1397 D RS232 Lead connections.
- 45 18/02/92 1778 D RS232 or V24 interface (25 pin connectors).
- 46 18/02/92 2251 D Modifying the Stornomatic carphone for 2M.
- 47 18/02/92 7089 D CCT's for various tone burst boards.
- 48 18/02/92 920 D How to improve the Tonna 5 ele. 50MHz beam.
- 49 18/02/92 4642 D Assorted faults/mods on a wide variety of equipment.
- 50 18/02/92 453 D A warning about Kenwood chargers.
- 51 18/02/92 4216 D A list of wire gauges.
- 52 18/02/92 3504 D Info on the X-2211 FSK demodulator/tone decoder.
- 53 18/02/92 2276 D Yagi beams - DIY.
- 54 18/02/92 501 D DL-TNC connections for IBM clone using YAPP/YAPPB driver.
- 55 30/03/92 6694 D Modification files for the Tandy HTX-100 HF Transceiver.
- 56 22/04/92 4292 D How to cure "whine" on a DX440.
- 57 22/04/92 4772 D Mod for using the Ferguson SRB1 Sky receiver on D2 MAC.
- 58 22/06/92 1213 D HTX202 error codes.
- 59 22/06/92 1344 D Mod for adding a speaker volume control to a PC computer.
- Thank you for using the database,
- I hope you find the reply useful.
- 73 de Mick..G7DMS, SysOp @ GB7WRC
- From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 06:40:12 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14906 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 06:37:50 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1090; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:10:35 GMT
- Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 04:21 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE>IC3220_3.RUH
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64760_GB7WRC
- Status: R
- R:920627/0430Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9893 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64760
- Posted by the CLIVE database at GB7WRC on 27-06-1992 (04:21 GMT)
- Hi everybody,
- The following instructions tells you how to make the right connections to an
- ICOM IC-3220 in order to be connected to the G3RUH 9600 bauds modem.
- ------------------------------ WARNING !! ------------------------------------
- The following steps are not very dificult to follow, but are to be carried
- by a person with a minimum experience in electronic radio equipment.
- If you are not such a person, ask to a friend with the required knowledge
- to do the job for you. Otherwise, permanent damage to your rig can result.!
- Also, (evidently), this manipulation will invalidate the rig warranty, so
- perhaps you prefer to wait till the end of its validation period...
- The author of this note is in no way responsible for any damage that can be
- caused to your equipment by doing this modification to it.
- Do it at your own risk, and think twice before begin !
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modification instructions
- -------------------------
- (n) = Number of screws.
- Material required: Screwdriver, Solder Iron, Coax cable (see text)
- 1 - Remove (4) the BOTTOM cover. (the one without the speaker).
- 2 - Remove (4+2) the shielding plate covering the P.A. output module.
- 3 - Remove (2) and discard the bottom small plate covering the hole
- behind the antenna coaxial cable. Restore the two screws in place,
- just to store it for the future.
- 4 - Locate connector J2 (The white big one, near to front panel) which
- is used to interface the two main boards. (16 pins).
- 5 - Locate pins 1, 2, and 15 of J2. Pin 1 is the nearest to the box side
- of the rig. Pin 15 (the one before last) is located about the middle
- of the main board.
- Pin description:
- 1 - UHF TX stage modulator voltage input.
- 2 - Ground.
- 15 - UHF RX detector output.
- If in doubt about pinout, see schematic diagram (Main B unit, left hand)
- 6 - Take two pieces of SMALL diameter coaxial cable, (Z:50 ohms preferred
- by me, but ordinary AF coax cable will perform pretty well).
- Aproximate diameter MUST be no more then 4 mm, and lenght as required.
- Following Murphy's law be generous ...
- 7 - Join the two (outer) shield parts of coax cables and solder them to
- pin 2 (ground) at the upper (visible) part of J2. Solder the inner
- (active) part of one cable to pin 1 and the other to pin 15.
- Soldering should be performed to the upper part of J2 with
- EXTREME CAUTION, as the plastic support structure of J2 connector,
- can be seriously damaged !!!.
- 8 - Route the two cables trough the main board, up to the hole near the
- antenna cable, routing them in such a way, that traverses the small
- square hole at the bottom part of the plate covering the final P.A.
- 9 - Secure the cables at the output hole with a BIG plastic strap.
- 10 - Reinstall (6) the cover of final P.A.
- 11 - Reinstall (4) the bottom cover of the rig.
- 12 - Solder appropiate connectors at the other end of coax cables.
- End of installation.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Notes: With this modification, only the UHF part of the rig is affected,
- i.e. the mod will only work for the 432 Mc/s. band.
- Also, some noise has been observed at RX detector output line, which make
- the DCD led of the TNC blink, but this does not affect the overall
- performance of the assembly.
- As a guide, using the french TPK program, a serial (rs232) speed of
- 19200 bds, the well known G3RUH modem, and a standard TNC, a file of
- 1.5 Mbytes has been transmited in one hour, obtaining and average speed
- of 364 cps. (TPK measured).
- 73's QRO of Andreu. EA3CQY @ EA3MM Barcelona.Catalunya.Spain
- IC3220_3.RUH
- *** EOF
- From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 06:41:20 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14907 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 06:40:20 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1092; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:30:20 GMT
- Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 04:21 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE>TM531.RUH
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64761_GB7WRC
- R:920627/0430Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9894 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64761
- Posted by the CLIVE database at GB7WRC on 27-06-1992 (04:21 GMT)
- To use the Kenwood TM531 with a G3RUH 9600 Baud modem:
- ======================================================
- 1. PLL-unit modifiation:
- Change R56 to 3k.
- Change C56, 57 to 10uF/10v.
- 2. Main board:
- Remove C55, 70, 118.
- 3. TXA:
- TXA via 150k to MO (pll-unit).
- 4. RXA:
- RXA to pin 12 ic2 (main board).
- 5. Change C34 (ruh board) to 1uF (mkm).
- 6. You'll need a eprom COA.
- 7. Solder a ptc (siemens b30-0845-05 (60 Gr. Celius)),
- on the VCO-unit.
- Let me know if your work is also succesfull.
- 73's, Ed. pe1nat.
- *** EOF
- From gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 06:55:44 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14908 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 06:59:24 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1096; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:39:19 GMT
- Date:Re: 920627/0352 @:G1 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%g1yyh@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report 1 / 2
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64763_GB7WRC
- R:920627/0431Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9896 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64763
- Re: 920627/0352 @:G1YYH.GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU
- Message processed by CLIVE on 27-06-1992 (04:21 GMT)
- Hello John
- Welcome to the CLIVE database on GB7WRC in Burnley, Lancs.
- Matching topic found. 72 files installed relating to...
- ICOM Modifications etc for ICOM transceivers.
- 1 new file/s selected, total 1.
- Sending file 66 from the ICOM topic. C:\FILES\ICOM\IC3220_3.RUH
- Matching topic found. 78 files installed relating to...
- KENWOOD Modifications etc for KENWOOD transceivers.
- 2 new file/s selected, total 2.
- Sending file 75 from the KENWOOD topic. C:\FILES\KENWOOD\TM531.RUH
- Sending file 77 from the KENWOOD topic. C:\FILES\KENWOOD\TM531E_2.9K6
- Matching topic found. 71 files installed relating to...
- YAESU Modifications etc for YAESU transceivers.
- ERROR 2: Invalid command.
- ERROR 4: No files are selected.
- Matching topic found. 17 files installed relating to...
- TCPIP TCP/IP related files.
- No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
- 1 19/02/92 1423 D A few notes on tnc "carrier detect".
- 2 19/02/92 4594 D A basic program to convert DOMAIN.TXT to HOST.NET format.
- 3 19/02/92 1175 D A few words on AMPRNET Domain Naming.
- 4 24/06/92 3182 D HOST.NET List for Region 1 : -
- 5 24/06/92 3202 D HOST.NET List for Region 1 : -
- 6 24/06/92 5533 D HOST.NET list for Refion 1 : - 44.131.1.???
- 7 19/02/92 3196 D Known international internet addresses, sorted by country
- 8 19/02/92 6915 D Notes on #871225-16 Netrom compatible version of TCP/IP.
- 9 19/02/92 4757 D Using NETROM from TCP/IP WITHOUT cluttering the network!.
- 10 19/02/92 675 D Getting your IP address for REGION 1 (ie: 44.131.1.xxx).
- 11 19/02/92 16093 D Documentation on the POP protocol.
- 12 19/02/92 16955 D Documentation on the NOS Mailbox
- 13 19/02/92 32332 D Doc on the "NOS COMMAND SET REFERENCE" by Ian Wade, G3NRW
- 14 19/02/92 7376 D A brief introduction to TCP/IP by Ian Wade, G3NRW.
- 15 21/02/92 7389 D User manual for BM, Bdales Mailer.
- 16 23/04/92 2457 D A list of National IP Address Coordinators.
- 17 27/06/92 4803 D List of Amprnet world Address Coordinators
- Matching topic found. 79 files installed relating to...
- TNCS Modifications/hints/tips/help for various TNC's.
- No. Date BytesStsDescription of contents.
- 1 19/02/92 1951 D Remote control of the BSX Mk2 TNC when running "The Net".
- 2 19/02/92 861 D DCD on BSX v2.5 with State Machine mod.
- 3 19/02/92 1338 D Diagrammatic representation of DCD mods to a G0BSX MK2 tnc
- 4 19/02/92 21064 D A general overview of the BSX2 tnc.
- 5 19/02/92 2732 D BSX2 DCD mod - More information.
- 6 19/02/92 3173 D Modifying the BSX2 for STATE MACHINE DCD.
- 7 19/02/92 9266 D Constructing the DK2DB terminal node controller.
- 8 19/02/92 1929 D Mods for the DL-TNC.
- 9 19/02/92 2995 D Curing the KAM v3.00 to 3.03 reverse forwarding problems.
- 10 19/02/92 3603 D Notes and comments on constructing the BSX2 TNC.
- 11 19/02/92 1338 D Curing intermittent hangups on the G0BSX TNCs.
- 12 19/02/92 2675 D Specific radio connections from Heathkit manual for HK-232
- 13 19/02/92 2336 D Kantronics KAM - Getting baud rate of an unknown signal.
- 14 19/02/92 1781 D Fitting battery backup to the Kantronics KPC-2.
- 15 19/02/92 1542 D MFJ-1270 tnc mods.
- 16 19/02/92 2019 D Mods for interfacing the KPC-2 to a 1200 baud PSK modem.
- 17 19/02/92 4444 D Information on NAVTEX.
- 18 19/02/92 987 D Linking DL and BSX TNCs for node use.
- 19 19/02/92 2220 D Linking DL-TNCs for node use.
- 20 19/02/92 1839 D A simple test for the PK232 TNC.
- 21 19/02/92 2492 D PK-232 problems and mods.
- 22 19/02/92 784 D Reducing PK232 radiated interference.
- 23 19/02/92 1489 D PK232 mods for OP AMPS.
- 24 19/02/92 711 D PK232 mailbox upgrade problem.
- 25 19/02/92 2254 D PK232 State Machine fitting and adjustment.
- 26 19/02/92 1279 D PK232 and Kenwood TS440 combination improvements.
- Continued in part 2 >
- From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 06:58:24 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14909 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 06:56:05 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1094; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:30:49 GMT
- Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 04:21 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE>TM531E_2.9K6
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64762_GB7WRC
- R:920627/0431Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9895 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64762
- Posted by the CLIVE database at GB7WRC on 27-06-1992 (04:21 GMT)
- Modifying the Kenwood TM-531E Transceiver for 9600 Baud Packet Service
- ======================================================================
- Trunk backbone links are increasingly being upgraded to 9600 baud working.
- To achieve this, bolt-on modems such as the G3RUH 9600 baud unit are used
- with TNC2 clones or DRSI PC*PA Type 1 cards. Most of the 23cms trunk links
- in the U.K. use Kenwood TM-531E radios which work perfectly at 1200 baud,
- unfortunately they do not work at 9600 baud without some modification.
- The problem is basically a lack of low-frequency response at 9600 baud data
- rates because of the response of the VCO. A few components can be changed
- inside the VCO box to rectify this situation. I would add that this is not a
- job for the faint-hearted since VCO removal is a difficult job which needs a
- steady hand!
- Kenwood (UK) commissioned Chris Lorek, G4HCL (who also happens to be the
- SysOp of the GB7SMC PacketCluster) to look at improving the VCO response of
- the TM-531E radio to work at 9600 baud. Reproduced below is a summary of
- G4HCL's modification based on first-hand experience:
- Modifications for TM-531E to work with G3RUH Modem at 9600 baud
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1) Audio output is available without de-emphasis at Pin 6 of the microphone
- socket. This is an unsquelched output and is suitable for the G3RUH 9600
- baud modem
- n.b. This high impedance audio output point is not suitable for driving
- normal 1200 baud TNCs unless they have been fited with a state-machine DCD
- modification. The Kantronics Data Engine internal 1200 baud modems are a
- good example of a suitable unit.
- 2) Audio input to the TX PLL is applied to connector W301 on the TX/RX unit
- (X57-3340-xx) by the following method:-
- Cut all wires which are connected to pin designation TO (coloured
- off-white) and the earth connection (coloured black). Connect audio coax
- to these two wires, and take this out of the set via the slot in the side
- of the rear heatsink.
- 3) Remove the VCO box from the main PCB. On the PLL unit (X58-3490-11
- inside the VCO unit). To do this, remove the screen on the underside of
- the TM-531E PCB. There are four soldered lugs holding the VCO box to the
- PCB and a number of pins which also need desoldering. Use a small
- soldering iron and a desoldering tool. Once the VCO box is removed from
- the main PCB, the next step is to get at the board which needs modifying.
- There are two PCBs stacked one on top of the other inside the VCO box. In
- addition, both these PCBs are soldered to the outer casing of the box.
- You have to remove both boards since the board which needs modifying is
- stacked above the first board. The components which have to be changed
- are really tiny, so take great care when replacing them.
- Change the following SMD components:
- R56 - change to 3.3K
- C56 - change to 10uF 10v
- C57 - change to 10uF 10v
- Reassemble the radio CARFEULLY and test. It should be possible to see a
- good data "eye" pattern with G3RUH modems at each end of the link by
- carefully perming the link settings for the default EPROMs provided with the
- G3RUH modem. G3RUH can supply a specially optimised EPROM for his modem to
- match the audio characteristics of the TM-531E. With these EPROMs fitted at
- either end of the link, the recovered 'eye' patterns are optimized.
- The TNC TXD time must be carefully adjusted for maximum data throughput on
- the link.
- 73 Steve Wilson G3VMW @ GB7LDS
- *** EOF
- From gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy Sat Jun 27 07:02:13 1992
- Received: from g6pvo by G1YYH.ampr.org with SMTP
- id AA14910 ; Sat, 27 Jun 92 07:00:16 BST
- Received: from gb7pwy by g6pvo with SMTP
- id AA1098; Sat, 27 Jun 92 05:56:12 GMT
- Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 04:21 GMT
- To: g1yyh@g1yyh
- From: gb7wrc%gb7wrc@gb7pwy
- Subject: de CLIVE}Report 2 / 2
- X-BBS-Line: SP G1YYH @ G1YYH < GB7WRC $64764_GB7WRC
- R:920627/0431Z @:GB7PWY.#16.GBR.EU #: 9897 TCP/IP Gateway
- R:920627/0421Z @:GB7WRC.#16.GBR.EU Burnley #:64764
- Continued from part 1 >
- 27 19/02/92 9716 D Paket4 and the PK232 (hints and tips).
- 28 19/02/92 1508 D Connecting the Kenwood TS-440S and the PK-232 TNC.
- 29 19/02/92 6836 D How to upgrade the PK-87 TNC to a PK-88.
- 30 19/02/92 599 D Speeding up the MFJ 1270/1274 TNCs.
- 31 19/02/92 3695 D Fitting the TAPR State Machine to the PK232 and PK88 TNCs.
- 32 19/02/92 1930 D High baudrates on the TAPR TNC2 clones.
- 33 19/02/92 594 D Modification of the Tiny-2 TNC to 2400 baud.
- 34 19/02/92 2722 D "Factory" fix for deaf Tiny-2's and Micro-power 2's.
- 35 19/02/92 412 D How to reduce current consumption of the Tiny-2 TNC.
- 36 19/02/92 8752 D TNC-2 1.1.6 command list.
- 37 19/02/92 974 D Mod for improving TNC2 clone filtering.
- 38 19/02/92 612 D Mod for 9600 full duplex on the TNC-220.
- 39 19/02/92 5068 D Production updates to the TNC220 to November 1988.
- 40 19/02/92 1837 D The ultimate definitive TNC-RS232 connection sheet.
- 41 19/02/92 5730 D How to build a CWID unit for a TNC2.
- 42 19/02/92 1646 D Mod for running a TNC-2 clone at 19K.
- 43 19/02/92 710 D Reducing HF RFI from the TNC320.
- 44 19/02/92 7791 D Command list for the TNC2 and BSX2 TNCs using 1.1.4.
- 45 19/02/92 24623 D Doc on DCD for filter-based and single chip modems.
- 46 19/02/92 3976 D Mod for open squelch DCD (various TNCs).
- 47 19/02/92 2514 D A cheap tuning indicator for the TNC220.
- 48 19/02/92 1749 D Commoning TNCs when using BPQ software.
- 49 20/02/92 1464 D Mod for updating the older PK232 TNC.
- 50 04/03/92 2958 D Info on using a TNC2 on 2400 baud
- 51 04/03/92 1215 D Info for curing unwanted resets on the PK232.
- 52 04/03/92 1532 D Curing noise from the PK232 on HF.
- 53 04/03/92 2536 D PK232 mods for AMTOR ARQ.
- 54 04/03/92 452 D PK232 RF lockup mod.
- 55 04/03/92 1048 D PK232 MBX Bugs, noise cure.
- 56 04/03/92 3034 D Another PK232 Noise cure.
- 57 04/03/92 616 D 4 simple hardware mods to improve the PK232's performance.
- 58 04/03/92 1914 D Responses to the "PK232 LOCKUP" bulletin - interesting!.
- 59 04/03/92 587 D Yet another mod for eliminating noise from your PK232.
- 60 04/03/92 779 D Battery leakage on the PK232.
- 61 04/03/92 2320 D Info on using 2 TNC's on one RTU (PK232).
- 62 04/03/92 1442 D Simple PC BASIC prog for setting PK232 time/date from PC.
- 63 04/03/92 1904 D PK232 Eprom info and mod for curing noise.
- 64 04/03/92 738 D PK232 - Curing SSB/FM distortion when plugged into TS680.
- 65 07/05/92 10935 D TAPR full-duplex (new) 9600 baud modem mods.
- 66 11/05/92 1779 D The KAM and TR78xx tranceivers (Audio Modification).
- 67 11/05/92 3491 D KAM sensitivity modification..
- 68 11/05/92 1340 D Connecting Kantronics data-engine to computer (pinouts).
- 69 11/05/92 906 D KAM carrier detect circuit mod.
- 70 11/05/92 265 D Simple solution to reverse forwarding on the KAM.
- 71 11/05/92 511 D The KAM and CW (Transmitter keying solution).
- 72 11/05/92 2894 D KPC-2 Clock modification.
- 73 11/05/92 2721 D Design for using KPC-2 and HF RX with no digital readout.
- 74 11/05/92 390 D Curing HF RF'ing on your signal (KPC-2).
- 75 11/05/92 392 D KPC-2 factory mods (serial No 5400 and lower).
- 76 11/05/92 467 D KAM - Bug with MAXUSERS command (v2.84 firmware)
- 77 11/05/92 1456 D Installation of the TAPR DCD STATE MACHINE UPGRADE (KAM)
- 78 11/05/92 1506 D KAM - Voltage problems.
- 79 22/06/92 2211 D PK232 - "High Performance" AMTOR mod.
- Thank you for using the database,
- I hope you find the reply useful.
- 73 de Mick..G7DMS, SysOp @ GB7WRC